Web based surveys have been designed
to support social norms programing in college and secondary school environments.
Specifically, college student-athlete and greek surveys focusing on alcohol
and tobacco use and other health related behaviors are available to support
sub-population programming. A survey focusing on alcohol, tobacco, other
drug use, and other health realted behaviors is available for programming
in secondary schools as is a survey on bullying and school violence.
Web surveys provide a secure, low cost, rapid data collection solution
for social norms programming that provides for greater accuracy through
real-time validation. Students can complete surveys in 15-20 minutes.
Features of our web-based surveys with sample user interface screens
are shown on this link (Click here).
You can see some examples below of results from surveys that have been
administered, run some sample surveys, and learn how you can use these
surveys in your program.
Recent research on thousands of middle and high school students
from across the nation shows clear and pervasive misperceptions of alcohol,
tobacco, other drug, health, and safety norms. Moreover, the pattern of
emergence of these misperceptions by grade clearly point toward key developmental
periods for strategic prevention intervention.
Survey Results Examining Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other
Drug Use in Secondary Schools
Survey Results Examing Bullying in Secondary Schools
- "Where Does Bullying Take Place among Adolescents When They are at
School?" presented by H. Wesley Perkins, Jessica Perkins, and David
Craig at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia,
PA, November 11, 2009. (abstract,
- "Misperceptions of Bullying Norms as a Risk Factor Associated with
Violence among Middle School Students," presented by H. Wesley Perkins,
David Craig and Jessica Perkins at the American Public Health Association
Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November 10, 2009.(abstract,
- "Assessing Bullying In New Jersey Secondary Schools: Applying
The Social Norms Model To Adolescent Violence" breakout session
presented by David W. Craig and H. Wesley Perkins at the 2008 National
Conference on the Social Norms Approach, Hyatt Regency San Francisco
Airport, CA, July 21, 2008 (abstract,
- "Social Norms Research on School Violence in England: Another
Look at Misperceived Peer Norms as the Biggest Bully of All" breakout
session presented by H. Wesley Perkins at the 2008 National Conference
on the Social Norms Approach, Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport, CA,
July 21, 2008 (abstract,
- "Assessing Bullying in Secondary Schools with a New Online Survey:
Applying the Social Norms Model to Adolescent Violence," workshop
presented by H. Wesley Perkins and David W. Craig at The National Conference
on the Social Norms Model, Denver, CO, July 28, 2006 (program
handout, slides)
Survey Results Examining Alcohol and Tobacco Norms
among Collegiate Student-Athletes
- Aggregate results for collegiate student-athletes 2001-2009 (report)
- "Multi-site Social Norms Intervention for Student Athletes: An
Analysis of the Effect of Program Exposure on High Risk Drinking,"
breakout session presented by David Craig and H. Wesley Perkins at The
2009 National Conference on the Social Norms Approach, Minneapolis,
MN, July 13, 2009. (abstract,
- "The 'Reign of Error' in Student-Athlete Alcohol Use: A Multi-Site
Study at Institutions of Higher Education in the U. S.," seminar
presented by H. Wesley Perkins and David W. Craig at The National Conference
on the Social Norms Model, Cambridge, MA, July 17, 2007. (abstract,
Some additional sample results can be seen by viewing
the links below:
How to Use one of our Web-Based Survey Instruments
Here are the steps that you need to take to use one of our web-based
survey instruments in your program.
- Contact one of the project directors (H.
Wesley Perkins, 315-781-3437 or David
W. Craig, 315-781-3611) to discuss your specific application and
the time you wish to conduct the survey.
- Discuss with a project director any customized questions you need
for your programming beyond those questions already present in our survey
instrument for your application.
- Obtain a data disclosure agreement form and have it signed by an administrator
from your institution. (Click
here for secondary school disclosure agreement form.
here for college disclosure agreement form.)
- Setup a Schedule for survey administration for your population.
- Automatic coding by our web server means that results can be made
available as soon as the surveys have been completed. Data bases generated
by the online surveys are cleaned and validated to remove the few intentionally
erroneous submissions by respondents that occassionally occur, thus
providing reliable results (data cleaning

Advantages of
Web-Based Surveys
- low cost
- rapid data return
- greater accuracy through real-time validation
- students can complete surveys in 10-15 minutes
- support for spanish-speaking students
- customizable questions with no reprinting costs
- security and anonymity controlled by timed usernames and passwords
- increased data integrity and program efficacy through greater student
- facilitate ongoing program assessment
Click here for images of how
web surveys can improve survey